The European Margarine Association (IMACE) was founded in 1958 in Brussels, where it is still based today.
IMACE represents the interests of the European margarine industry, producing both for retail and business-to-business (B2B) sectors at EU level, and it has been driving the sector improvements over several decades. IMACE focuses on the areas of nutrition, information to consumers, sustainability and product safety. IMACE’s contributions are based on sound scientific research, robust data and effective communication.
By collecting, relaying and analysing sector-specific data, IMACE’s aim is to be recognized as the thought leader and reference centre, when it comes to margarines, plant-based spreads and fats, and their contribution to health, sustainability and functionality.
In its role of representing the interests of the European margarine and spreads industry, IMACE pursues the following objectives:
To voice and promote the interests of margarine manufacturers to ensure a favourable regulatory environment.
To act as an informative platform and facilitator for discussions on margarine products both amongst member companies and with stakeholders.
To represent its members within other associations and international bodies
To guide margarine manufacturers in their efforts to comply with the latest scientific and regulatory evidence (e.g. by developing Codes of Practices & Guidance documents)
Imace’s main decision body is the General Assembly. It meets once a year and all its members are represented.
In order to manage and implement its annual priorities, the General Assembly appoints the Board, consisting of a cross section of the members. The current composition of the board is as follows:
Mr. John Verbakel (IMACE President) (Upfield BV)
Mr. Bart Bruyneel (Vandemoortele Lipids NV)
Mrs. Barbara Lanzoni (CSM Ingredients)
Mr. Torben Larsen (Vortella GmbH)
Mr. Philippe Thiry (Aigremont SA)
Mr. Christian Munk (Dragsbaek A/S)
The day to day management is the responsibility of the Managing Director, Siska Pottie. Imace also appoints a Council of Experts to deal with the specific regulatory and technical dossiers. They meet as required and report to the Board.